PIC24 vs. dsPIC30 - Which Microcontroller Has Better Compiler Support?

January 30, 2022


Microcontrollers have become an integral part of electronic devices, ranging from simple gadgets to complex industrial systems. The quest for faster, more efficient, and powerful microcontrollers has led to the development of various architectures, including the popular PIC24 and dsPIC30.

In this article, we aim to compare the compiler support of PIC24 and dsPIC30 microcontrollers to help you make an informed decision when selecting the best one for your project.

Compiler Support

The compiler is an essential tool for programming microcontrollers, as it translates high-level languages into machine code for the microcontroller to execute. The quality and diversity of compilers can have a significant impact on the efficiency and reliability of the microcontroller.


PIC24 microcontrollers are part of the 16-bit PIC microcontroller family and are ideal for applications that require high-performance, low power consumption, and flexibility. PIC24 microcontrollers have excellent compiler support from various vendors, including Microchip's XC16, HI-TECH, CCS, and IAR Embedded Workbench.

Microchip's XC16 is a free tool that provides an optimized C compiler, assembler, and linker for PIC24 microcontrollers. Microchip DS-5 offers a free compiler option for PIC24 microcontrollers. It provides additional features like code size optimization and faster run-time performance.


On the other hand, dsPIC30 microcontrollers are part of the 16-bit digital signal controller (DSC) family and are designed for applications that require high-speed execution of digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms. dsPIC30 microcontrollers also have excellent compiler support from a wide range of vendors, including Microchip's XC16 and IAR Embedded Workbench.

IAR Embedded Workbench is a popular compiler for dsPIC30 microcontrollers that can optimize code size and speed up runtime performance. Additionally, HI-TECH provides a free C compiler for dsPIC30 microcontrollers.


When comparing the compiler support of PIC24 and dsPIC30 microcontrollers, they both have excellent support from various vendors. However, PIC24 microcontrollers have a slightly more diverse and extensive selection of compilers available.

According to the Microchip website, the PIC24 supports the following compilers: XC16, XC32++, IAR Embedded Workbench, Green Hills Software, and MikroElektronika.

The dsPIC30, on the other hand, supports the following compilers: XC16, IAR Embedded Workbench, and HI-TECH.


In conclusion, when it comes to compiler support, both PIC24 and dsPIC30 microcontrollers have excellent support from various vendors. However, the PIC24 microcontroller has more diverse and extensive compiler support, making it a more versatile choice for developers needing to use different compilers.

We hope that this article provides you with useful insights into PIC24 and dsPIC30 microcontrollers' compiler support. Do let us know in the comments section if this article has been helpful to you.


  1. Microchip PIC24 compiler information, https://www.microchip.com/en-us/products/microcontrollers-and-microprocessors/16-bit-mcus/pic24-mcus
  2. Microchip dsPIC30 compiler information, https://www.microchip.com/en-us/products/microcontrollers-and-microprocessors/digital-signal-controllers/dspic30f-mcus

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